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How does masturbation work?

verstrengelde handen

You rub your hand up and down your penis and the head of your penis. When a man does this to himself, it's called masturbating. Masturbating is also called wanking or jerking off. A man gets turned on by masturbating, and may have an orgasm.

How do you do it?

aftrekkend stel
  • Take your penis in your hand, firmly but gently.
  • Slide your hand up and down your penis and the head of your penis.
  • Use either your whole hand, or just your thumb and a couple of fingers.
  • Make either short or long strokes.
  • Slow, fast or getting faster.
  • Use saliva, or perhaps lubricant, when masturbating. Some men like it when it's slippery and wet.

What does your boyfriend like?

Men all like different things, and that can change on each occasion. Find out together. Let him show you, perhaps with his hand guiding yours. That way you can feel exactly where he exerts pressure. Keep an eye on his body language. How does he react to the way you’re touching him? Is his penis getting harder? Is he sighing or moaning with pleasure? Then you're doing fine! Is his breathing speeding up? That’s also a sign he is getting turned on.

Circumcised? Then the head of the penis is less sensitive. Use a little saliva or lubricant for smoother movements.


The head of the penis is very sensitive directly after an orgasm. The penis automatically goes limp, and most men don't like you to carry on masturbating them. A man can't come again directly after having an orgasm. Men need a recovery period. That varies in each man. Recovering can take a few minutes, or up to a few hours.

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