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Condoms on holiday

koffer vol condooms

It’s great to go on holiday. You get a break. And you do fun stuff. It brings literally and figuratively sunshine into your life. So you’re more likely to fall in love. And maybe sex will be part of that holiday romance. Which is why it’s important that you’re well prepared for your holiday.

Take condoms with you when you go on holiday. That way, you don't have to go looking for them in shops and pharmacies you don’t know. Plus you can be sure that you've got good quality condoms. Sometimes it’s difficult to get condoms in foreign countries and some foreign brands are unreliable.

Things to remember

  • Check the use by date on the condom packaging.
  • Store condoms in a cool, dark place, not anywhere warm, and certainly not in the sun.
  • Don’t put them next to sharp things, like razor blades, in your wash bag.
  • Be careful with sand, it can make condoms tear.

Forgot your condoms?


You’re buying them at your holiday destination? Make sure they have the CE quality mark.

This means that the condom is approved and reliable. You can often buy condoms at a pharmacy or chemist.

Talking about condoms in foreign languages

Need to tell someone you like them in Spanish or French? Do you know how to do that? If you want to make a good impression on them then learn these sentences by heart:

Will you take condoms with you?

  • Dutch: Neem jij condooms mee?
  • French: Tu emportes des condoms?
  • Spanish: ¿No te olvidas de los preservativos?
  • German: Nimmst du deine Kondome mit?

I want to make love to you (safely)

  • Dutch: Ik heb zin om (veilig) met je te vrijen.
  • French: J'ai envie de faire l'amour (sans risques) avec toi.
  • Spanish: Quiero hacer el amor contigo (sin riesgos).
  • German: Ich habe Lust auf (Safe) Sex.

Yes, but only with a condom

  • Dutch: Ja, maar alleen met condoom.
  • French: D'accord, mais pas sans préservatif.
  • Spanish: Si, pero sólo con preservativo.
  • German: Ja, aber nur mit Kondom.

I'll have safe sex or no sex

  • Dutch: Ik vrij veilig of ik vrij niet.
  • French: Si je fais l'amour, je me protège, ou je m'abstiens.
  • Spanish: Hago el amor sin correr riesgos o no lo hago.
  • German: Ich habe entweder Safe Sex oder keinen Sex.

I don't want to get pregnant

  • Dutch: Ik wil niet zwanger worden.
  • French: Je n'ai pas envie de tomber enceinte.
  • Spanish: No quiero quedar embarazada.
  • German:  Ich möchte nicht schwanger werden.

I’m on the pill, you use a condom

  • Dutch: ik gebruik de pil, jij het condoom.
  • French: Moi, j'utilise la pilule; toi, le condom.
  • Spanish: Yo uso la píldora, tú un preservativo.
  • German: Ich nehme die Pille, du das Kondom

Video: Relationships & trust

How do you know if you can trust your sexual partner? Watch this video and listen to the experiences of other young people. Like Sam-Lin, who had unsafe sex during his holiday.