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condooms aan een waslijn

Are you having sex with someone? Using a condom will really reduce the risk of an STI. And prevent pregnancy. There are male condoms and female condoms. They won’t protect you against all STIs. Read about how to use a condom properly. 

What do you know about contraception?

foto van een meisje en voorbehoedsmiddelen

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STI testing

Are you worried about something, or have you had unsafe sex? Then the best thing to do is to have an STI check-up.
groep jongeren

How does penetrative sex work?

When the penis goes into the vagina, it’s called penetrative sex. Other words for this are vaginal sex, sexual intercourse, coitus or simply ‘having sex’.
stel in bed opent een condoomverpakking


A pregnancy is brilliant if that's what you were hoping for. If your pregnancy wasn't planned, it might be a bit of a shock.
foto van een meisje