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Continue with the pregnancy?

babyschoentjes op een zwangere buik

If the pregnancy test is positive, you are pregnant.

Maybe it's what you really wanted and you are happy about it. Go to your doctor. He or she will refer you to a midwife.

Was this not what you’d planned, but you've decided to continue with the pregnancy? 

Then you have 3 choices:

  1. Continue with the pregnancy and keep your baby.
  2. Continue with the pregnancy and place your baby in foster care, temporarily or permanently.
  3. Continue with the pregnancy and have your baby adopted.

Whatever you decide, you need to think carefully about it first. Your choice can have serious consequences. Make sure you are well informed and get the help you need. For example, from your own doctor, a Sense clinic, Fiom or Siriz.

How do you choose? Tips:

Talk to someone you trust.
Someone who can advise and support you. Preferably an adult, perhaps your mother or a counsellor. Make your own choice.

Tell your parents you’re pregnant.
This is obviously important if you're still living at home. If necessary, get someone to help you do it. That could be a family member, but it could also be your doctor.

Talk to your doctor or another healthcare professional.
A counsellor or healthcare/social care professional can explain your options to you. They can also help you to gather your thoughts and make up your mind. Read below where you can go for help.

Have a look at Pregnant, what now?

Remember: do this as soon as possible! The faster you take action, the more options you will have.